Trail family is family. Family is trail family.

One definition of family that resonates with me and makes me think of all of our volunteers – FAMILY: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation. Fellowship.

Five ESTRS races this year and they felt easy, and fun, and like a place I really wanted to be. We have been doing this for a lot of years, since 2012 to be exact, putting on 33 series races in total and introducing countless people to the trails. This is not to say that they have ever felt hard or not fun or like a place that I didn’t want to be, but this year felt pretty dang special and those races ticked off with ease – well, as easily as you can put on a race!

I have watched keenly, the relationships that have developed between our volunteers over the years at the Endless Summer events – those of you who were once just acquaintances now friends creating memories that will last a lifetime. That is a gift. And sure we can get together and hang out anytime we want, but we are mission driven people, the spirit truly lives when we are rolling up our sleeves, working side by side, doing good works.

As sure as Cheri and I show up each year and at each race… there are those of you who just simply, without question, do the same – “yep, this is me, this is my job, this is where I belong, this is my family.” Conviction. Common affiliation. Fellowship. Yep, all of that.

I will leave you with this photo. My 7 year old nephew Matthew, we call him Matty, I call him Matty Ice. He ran last night with my sister-in-law and friends of ours. It means a lot to Cheri and I to create these experiences for all of our runners, that is why we do it, but this one was extra special to us.

Like I said, trail family is family. Family is trail family. We can’t wait to it again with all of you next year.

Photo Credit: Fresh Tracks Media

Thank You,

John Storkamp
Race Director
Endless Summer Trail Run Series